Dominique Borcy 186 abonnés Hors ligneDominique Borcy
Forum : Les orphelins de Toutbox et Partageurs - Sanitizer
12/08/2023 16:58:42Alex Smith

Our company needs to order disinfectants. In what form is it better to order them - liquid, spray, powder, granule, tablets? It is important that the funds are certified. With which company to conclude an agreement?
12/08/2023 17:11:05Nils Claus

The choice of the form of disinfectants depends on the specific needs of your company, the type of surfaces to be treated, as well as preferences and ease of use. Liquid disinfectants are usually suitable for treating large surfaces. Sprays provide more precise and uniform surface treatment. As for the choice of a company for concluding a contract, it depends on your region and preferences. It is recommended to look for companies with a good reputation that provide certified products suitable for your specific needs. We use IPAX services to order sanitizers
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